Meet my Paris Princess!
She is the key to my future...the one that holds all the coins to my adventures. I have a goal of raising $20,000.00 to go on my dream trip to Paris and other parts of France. Don't forget that includes plane tickets for my three children and husband too. I need to make sure I feed my Paris Princess daily. She is much more sophisticated than me and has a shiny disposition.
Thus far, she has ingested $60, which is a long way from the ultimate goal. But she will take what she can get for now, as long as she isn't forgotten.
I also have upgraded my grocery bags.....well, not friend rather. She purchased this marvelous montage of Parisian scenery (The Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral, The Eiffel Tower, The Louvre and its pyramid) for me. Isn't it magnificent? The cashiers also enjoy the view as they fill it up with legumes. It's so much more grand than the Supermarket Logo bags. The fuchsia outline adds a touch of elegance too. Tres chic!

I really like your idea of creating a specific blog for preparing a trip to France!
I trust that you "Princess" is of a king's size, considering the amount she is supposed to receive. Maybe some temporary deposits at a bank may be needed?
Nice to see that you are ready to taste (or already have done so) all kinds of specialities. Now, if you are willing to taste the frogs, eating you dear snails, maybe you will overcome this snail refusal also?
Princess have to put on weight. It gives you time to prepare, Corine. To build your dream and make it possible. You should put a counter on the blog side, to inform about Princess'weight ! ;-)
I'm with you about snails and frogs, they're far better in the nature than on a plate....(and, in fact, they're not so often on a plate, here).
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